All students are encouraged to sign up for the CTE Exploratory section during the eighth grade course selection. We do not discriminate against any student including those who are members of special populations based on their disability, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, English language proficiency or homelessness.
Once enrolled for Exploratory the students engage in a rotation of all seven (7) programs where they are exposed to activities that indicate areas of study that will be gained throughout their time in their chosen CTE program. This initial “exposure” period is a pass/fail period of understanding the programs. This will last approximately 5 periods per program.
When this section is completed the students will select four(4) programs of their interest and then rotate through the four(4) programs for the duration of the of the remaining term or until the classes have been completed.
Upon completion, the students will select their top 3 choices and they will be awarded their first choice based on their scores on the grading rubric. (See rubric)
Programs currently have a limit of 15 students per program. In the event of a tie for the last spot in the program we will look at the students’ reflection page for each of their rotations in phase one and two, to determine the interest quality of the responses. Unexcused absences will be considered also as a criteria for selection in case of a double tie breaker.